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Thursday, August 14, 2008

teething trails

So far Makayla has been taking the whole teething thing well. Better than I expected. However the beginning of the week, she was acting sick. Then Tuesday she had a fever. And Tuesday night she didn't sleep at all. Almost the whole time she was awake she was screaming. From about 3am-7:30am she was wide awake. Finally 7:30am I put her in her crib and let her cry it out. I was exhausted. She slept for a couple of hours, that was good for her. So Wednesday morning I went to visit my parents, it is nice for all of us to get out of the house for a day. Bryan was able to stay home and sleep. Ironically Bryan planned to take Wednsday - Friday off just to take a break and get more sleep and he's now getting less. At least she is almost done teething. Unfortunally we are going to have to go through this all again with Kyle. Oh well, they are worth it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hang in there. Even though we don't have kids yet, I know there'll be hard times. But you're right - they are worth it.