Family Videos

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Living Quarters

In order to save on gas, we have moved closer to work. We spent all day Tuesday moving and we are feeling it. I picked up the U-Haul truck at 10:30am, and with the help of My dad, my sister Lindsey, my neighbor Andy, and my friends Zuke, and Steve we had most of the place packed into the moving truck, a pickup truck, and two cars by 4:30pm. After that, there were two more pickup truck loads, and Heidi and I were all packed in by 2:30am then next morning :D YAY. I would like to thank all of you that helped in the moving process. I would especially like to thank Zuke and Mel for coming over last night to help unpack. It was a great blessing. The family room would have taken days to look how it looks now, and I'm sure the same applies with the kitchen. :D