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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Best of Times

We have moved to American Fork. It was an amazing thing. We applied to several different places with no response. We decided that we weren't meant to move and had about given up hope when a lady called about a house that was one of the first ones Bryan called about and left a message. She had been out of town for a couple of weeks and had just gotten back. We looked at the house, loved it, and turned in the application. We also decided if it didn't work out we weren't meant to move. We had less than a week to pack up, and a day to move all our stuff. It is times like that that you realize you have a lot of stuff. I just want to thank all the people that helped us that very long day.
So now we are settling in and liking it. It has taking Makayla a while to get used to it, but once we found her toys she seems to be enjoying being here more. She is starting to look through the cupboards and take out all the stuff she can, especially if it is food.
All-in-all we are very happy we have moved. We are hoping we will be here for a long while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That totally sucks! You guys are too far away! We need to get together soon. I totally miss you guys!
